Page 27 - Chargement... VIAS MAG - 2021
P. 27
Aloha Beach
Playa Watersports
Make the most of jet skiing in Vias!
We make it possible!
Are you looking for thrills and
spills in the water and want to ride
the waves? Playawatersports, the
leading water sports base in Vias,
is ready and waiting to welcome
you for some unforgettable
memories with friends and family.
This establishment offers a wide
array of services such as motorised
water sports, towed water sports
(buoys, banana boats, canapé,
etc.) or green leisure activities
Venez profiter de la plage dans une ambiance conviviale et décontractée.
Stand-up paddles, big-paddles, pédalos pour vous amuser sans modération. (pedalos, paddle boards).
Transats disponibles à la location. Alone, or in pairs, on your jet
ski, supervised by qualified
Plage du Libron
Location de matériel / buvette-snacking instructors, you can navigate freely
06 83 70 11 95 or participate in exceptional hikes
Aloha Beach along the Mediterranean coast.
Finally, if you want to unwind and
Beach Club Farret keep your feet firmly on the sand,
make the most of a conformable
sun lounger (half-day or full-day
Aloha Beach
Come and enjoy the beach in a
relaxing and friendly environment.
Stand-up paddle boards, big-
paddle boards, pedalos all allow
you to have endless fun.
Sun loungers available for rental.
Beach Club Farret
The entire team at Beach Club
L’équipe du Beach Club Farret vous accueille avec le sourire pour vous faire Farret welcomes you with open
découvrir leurs différentes passions en matière de glisse sur l’eau : planches arms to partake in their various
à voile, catamarans, kayaks, pédalos, stand up paddles, bouée, banane, etc. passions between water sports,
such as sailing, catamarans,
Plage des Rosses
Location de matériel / école de planche à voile / buvette kayaks, pedalos, stand-up paddle
06 08 33 76 51 / 06 98 05 31 76 boards, buoys, banana boats, etc.
10/05/2021 08:04
MONTAGE Vias Mag 2021 v5.indd 25 10/05/2021 08:04
MONTAGE Vias Mag 2021 v5.indd 25